VOA News: África

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2021

Waiting for the payment.

Have you recently noticed that I have e-mailed you from your account?
Yes, this simply means that I have total access to your device.

For the last couple of months, I have been watching you.
Still wondering how is that possible? Well, you have been infected with malware originating from an adult website that you visited. You may not be familiar with this, but I will try explaining it to you.

With help of the Trojan Virus, I have complete access to a PC or any other device.
This simply means I can see you at any time I wish to on your screen by simply turning on your camera and microphone, without you even noticing it. In addition, I have also got access to your contacts list and all your correspondence.

You may be asking yourself, "But my PC has an active antivirus, how is this even possible? Why didn't I receive any notification?" Well, the answer is simple: my malware uses drivers, where I update the signatures every four hours, making it undetectable, and hence keeping your antivirus silent.

I have a video of you wanking on the left screen, and on the right screen - the video you were watching while masturbating.
Wondering how bad could this get? With just a single click of my mouse, this video can be sent to all your social networks, and e-mail contacts.
I can also share access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.

All you have to do to prevent this from happening is - transfer bitcoins worth $1450 (USD) to my Bitcoin address (if you have no idea how to do this, you can open your browser and simply search: "Buy Bitcoin").

My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1AbhXaiFxR52NDTrjAtzsdyhooVNoVchy1

After receiving a confirmation of your payment, I will delete the video right away, and that's it, you will never hear from me again.
You have 2 days (48 hours) to complete this transaction.
Once you open this e-mail, I will receive a notification, and my timer will start ticking.

Any attempt to file a complaint will not result in anything, since this e-mail cannot be traced back, same as my bitcoin id.
I have been working on this for a very long time by now; I do not give any chance for a mistake.

If, by any chance I find out that you have shared this message with anybody else, I will broadcast your video as mentioned above.

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021

Controle de Ponto


Sou Fabián Torre, programador do Software de Controle de Ponto

Gostaria de saber se tem interesse em receber informações sobre o
Software de Controle de Ponto, e a que email posso envia-las

Desde já agradeço.

Whatsapp: +55 719 9204-2292
Skype: chronskype

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2021

informa��es sobre Email Marketing


Sou Fabi�n Torre, t�cnico em Email Marketing.
Gostaria de saber se tem interesse em receber informa��es sobre
produtos e servi�os de Email Marketing, e a que email posso envia-las

Desde j� agrade�o.

Whatsapp: +55 719 9204-2292
Skype: chronskype

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2021

Produtos para email marketing ISA Portugal 2021

Código Produto Preço

Bases de Dados de Emails do Portugal
81-0079 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Portugal 2021 B

360.000 Emails de Portugal de empresas e particulares
EUR 50
81-0071 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Portugal Corporativos 2021

165.000 emails de dominios empresariales
EUR 45
81-0078 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Portugal Particulares 2021 B

216.000 emails de particulares
EUR 40

Bases de Datos de Emails Internacionais
81-0075 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Latinoamérica 2021

20 Paises de América Latina - 6.5 Milhões de emails
EUR 120
81-0077 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Latinoamérica Corporativos 2021

15 Paises de América Latina
1.058.000 de emails de dominios empresariais selecionados
EUR 145
81-0074 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Europa 2021

23 Paises - 7.5 milhões de emails
EUR 145
81-0073 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Europa Corporativos 2021

21 Paises de Europa - 3.85 milhões de emails empresariais
EUR 196
81-0076 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Internacionais 2021

57 Paises - 17.2 Milhões de Emails
EUR 220

Bases de Dados Especiais
81-2012 Lista de Emails ISA Denunciantes e Spamtraps 2021
Lista de emails de denunciantes suaves (unsubscribers), denunciantes duros e spamtraps para adicionar na sua lista de exclusão e evitar denuncias de spam
EUR 25

ISA Email Packer 2
Software para Optimização de Listas de Emails

Mistura até 3 listas
Elimina duplicados
Divide listas de emails em arquivos menores por quantidade de emails
Elimina emails cortados
Limpa vírgulas, aspas ou o caracter que deseje
Seleciona emails de um dominio
Elimina emails de dominios não desejados
Elimina emails que contem determinada palavras ou símbolos
Seleciona emails que contem determinada palavra
Seleciona emails de dominios corporativos

EUR 45

Campanhas de Email Marketing
81-3050 Super Server Plano 50K

Envio de 50.000 emails em América Latina e/ou Europa
EUR 60
81-3150 Super Server Plano 150K

Envio de 150.000 emails em América Latina e/ou Europa
EUR 100
81-3500 Super Server Plano 500K

Envio de 500.000 emails em América Latina e/ou Europa
EUR 210
81-5002 Super Server Plano 1M

Email Marketing a 1 Milhão de emails em Europa e/ou Latam
EUR 300

Serviço de consultoria e suporte
81-4001 Instalação de Mailer com Escaner de Servidores SMTP Abertos

Serviço de configuração e suporte de sistema de emailing multi-servidor
EUR 179
Sistema de Email Marketing
com Servidor SMTP com SPF e DKIM

- Programa instalado no seu computador o que permite administrar as campanhas
- Servidores SMTP com IP rotativa e adequados às regras SPF e DKIM
- Estatísticas Online
- Funciona em provedores de Internet com a porta 25 bloqueada (usa porta 587)

EUR 55
Se não deseja receber este newsletter ou este email foi enviado por erro
por favor clicar aqui

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9204-2292 - Skype: chronskype

ISA no facebook

terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2021

Money Transfer Confirmation.


This email has nothing good for you. It is a reminder about your dirty deeds!

It has been around 4 months since your device that you use to access the internet, has been infected with spyware.
I have been tracking your online activities for a long time by now.

How it has become possible:
Approximately half a year ago there was a huge leak of personal data (mainly passwords and logins), including your email provider (blogger.com).
Professional hackers have used this data in order to access the operating systems of potential victims (including you as well),
and installed special loaders that can be used to install absolutely anything to the infected devices.

I would like to point out that antivirus companies are struggling to deal with such spyware since long time ago,
because Trojan software codes keep continuously updating and hence, not allowing antiviruses to do anything.

Likewise, all that personal data has become available at the black market and I have purchased it to install my spyware and start checking out people's personal information,
hoping to find something interesting.
Some people had a lot of boring documents, some people have basic games, while others play casino... all those devices have been utilized by us in order to do cryptocurrency mining.
However, eventually I have stumbled upon something really special while checking your personal data!

You are truly a huge fan of watching kinky videos (it is easy to confirm by checking the activity log of your multimedia players and browser history).
I have been filtering out for some time the most shocking videos with you masturbating, while recording you via your device's camera and microphone.
As result, I have generated sample videos exposing the way you are pleasing yourself (in really impressive manners sometimes),
while the lower part of the screen plays the video that you were watching at that point of time.

I have managed to create a really nice collection for the past few months!
What do you think would happen, if those videos get shared to your colleagues, relatives and friends?
Taking in consideration the "specificity" of the videos you had been watching, the opinion of your friends about your personality will be changed once and for all.
I guess, you might have troubles with law due to certain videos from that collection...
But I don't want to get you in this kind of troubles, since I have no interest in that.

I simply want to get some money from you, since I have spent quite a significant amount of time and effort to get all this done!
Let's agree like this: 1550$ (USD) of bitcoin equivalent will be good enough for me! If you want to pay more - please, feel free!

My BTC wallet for your transaction is: 199ZxJd71PJkMjjTdQdh7ekmQ2amE1tVe6

It is really not that hard to purchase bitcoin and send it to my wallet. Based on the logs, I can say that you are not a stupid person and really known how to use the internet.
Frankly speaking, I can't imagine where else this kind of videos (with you masturbating) can be found. ;)

Once I receive a notification of your transaction, I will immediately delete your kinky videos right away together with the porn that you were watching at that point of time.
Afterwards, I will completely forget about you - don't worry, you are not the only one like that!

By the way, you have no idea how many there are people around the globe that watch porn, while masturbating.
However, those guys don't watch such kinky videos with nasty models that your like to watch!!!
Likewise, regardless of everything mentioned above, there is no reason for you to panic!

Here are several simple rules for you to end it all in the most problem-free manner:
# You have 48 hours to complete the bitcoin transaction. If I don't receive any money from you after 48 hours,
then I will upload the videoclip exposing you to online resources and forward it to your entire contact list.
Even your closest relatives, colleagues and friends will receive an email or SMS from me.
You've got to complete everything necessary within the allocated time - I won't be waiting any longer that that!
# Timer will start automatically right after you open this email. Please note, that even though the email gets opened by somebody else, the timer will still start.
# There is no point to reply this email. The sender address has been generated - I have merely used a random address from the internet. All you need to do is pay.
# In case if you decide to find me - that is a bad idea, since I am using nodes, same as blockchain system, which are used to carry out bitcoin transactions.
# The idea to reinstall the Operating System would not help either. Even if you burn down your device, it still won't solve the problem.
All the files have already been encrypted and saved at remote file hosting websites.
# Once the transaction is complete, there is no need to notify me about that. I will be able to see it by myself, since I am monitoring all your online activities.

Please keep in mind the most important thing:
Once you complete the transaction, I will delete my Trojan virus from your device as well as all the discrediting videos from remote online resources.
Afterwards, you can forget about me and this unpleasant situation as well. That is the best solution to this problem!

One last advice for you: change all the access information to all your online services, since I may be not only one who has the access to all your accounts!

Please be reasonable.
Good luck!

Money Transfer Confirmation.


This email has nothing good for you. It is a reminder about your dirty deeds!

It has been around 4 months since your device that you use to access the internet, has been infected with spyware.
I have been tracking your online activities for a long time by now.

How it has become possible:
Approximately half a year ago there was a huge leak of personal data (mainly passwords and logins), including your email provider (blogger.com).
Professional hackers have used this data in order to access the operating systems of potential victims (including you as well),
and installed special loaders that can be used to install absolutely anything to the infected devices.

I would like to point out that antivirus companies are struggling to deal with such spyware since long time ago,
because Trojan software codes keep continuously updating and hence, not allowing antiviruses to do anything.

Likewise, all that personal data has become available at the black market and I have purchased it to install my spyware and start checking out people's personal information,
hoping to find something interesting.
Some people had a lot of boring documents, some people have basic games, while others play casino... all those devices have been utilized by us in order to do cryptocurrency mining.
However, eventually I have stumbled upon something really special while checking your personal data!

You are truly a huge fan of watching kinky videos (it is easy to confirm by checking the activity log of your multimedia players and browser history).
I have been filtering out for some time the most shocking videos with you masturbating, while recording you via your device's camera and microphone.
As result, I have generated sample videos exposing the way you are pleasing yourself (in really impressive manners sometimes),
while the lower part of the screen plays the video that you were watching at that point of time.

I have managed to create a really nice collection for the past few months!
What do you think would happen, if those videos get shared to your colleagues, relatives and friends?
Taking in consideration the "specificity" of the videos you had been watching, the opinion of your friends about your personality will be changed once and for all.
I guess, you might have troubles with law due to certain videos from that collection...
But I don't want to get you in this kind of troubles, since I have no interest in that.

I simply want to get some money from you, since I have spent quite a significant amount of time and effort to get all this done!
Let's agree like this: 1550$ (USD) of bitcoin equivalent will be good enough for me! If you want to pay more - please, feel free!

My BTC wallet for your transaction is: 199ZxJd71PJkMjjTdQdh7ekmQ2amE1tVe6

It is really not that hard to purchase bitcoin and send it to my wallet. Based on the logs, I can say that you are not a stupid person and really known how to use the internet.
Frankly speaking, I can't imagine where else this kind of videos (with you masturbating) can be found. ;)

Once I receive a notification of your transaction, I will immediately delete your kinky videos right away together with the porn that you were watching at that point of time.
Afterwards, I will completely forget about you - don't worry, you are not the only one like that!

By the way, you have no idea how many there are people around the globe that watch porn, while masturbating.
However, those guys don't watch such kinky videos with nasty models that your like to watch!!!
Likewise, regardless of everything mentioned above, there is no reason for you to panic!

Here are several simple rules for you to end it all in the most problem-free manner:
# You have 48 hours to complete the bitcoin transaction. If I don't receive any money from you after 48 hours,
then I will upload the videoclip exposing you to online resources and forward it to your entire contact list.
Even your closest relatives, colleagues and friends will receive an email or SMS from me.
You've got to complete everything necessary within the allocated time - I won't be waiting any longer that that!
# Timer will start automatically right after you open this email. Please note, that even though the email gets opened by somebody else, the timer will still start.
# There is no point to reply this email. The sender address has been generated - I have merely used a random address from the internet. All you need to do is pay.
# In case if you decide to find me - that is a bad idea, since I am using nodes, same as blockchain system, which are used to carry out bitcoin transactions.
# The idea to reinstall the Operating System would not help either. Even if you burn down your device, it still won't solve the problem.
All the files have already been encrypted and saved at remote file hosting websites.
# Once the transaction is complete, there is no need to notify me about that. I will be able to see it by myself, since I am monitoring all your online activities.

Please keep in mind the most important thing:
Once you complete the transaction, I will delete my Trojan virus from your device as well as all the discrediting videos from remote online resources.
Afterwards, you can forget about me and this unpleasant situation as well. That is the best solution to this problem!

One last advice for you: change all the access information to all your online services, since I may be not only one who has the access to all your accounts!

Please be reasonable.
Good luck!

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2021

Licensed Mortgage Broker Los Angeles California Real Estate Loans

Learn more about the best Licensed Mortgage Broker Los Angeles - https://bit.ly/3AKWO0S

A mortgage broker is an individual who can help you with the process of getting a home loan, they are not the lender. A mortgage broker provides you with a wide range of lending options so you can find the loan that best meets your needs.

A mortgage broker provides a service to find and negotiate mortgages for clients, as well as giving advice on the best mortgage rates available. Whether you are a homeowner or a landlord, if you are looking to purchase a home in Los Angeles and need a mortgage broker, then I am the person you need to contact.

Los Angeles Mortgage Broker

There's a new mortgage broker in town. Los Angeles realtor have rebranded as a mortgage broker and they've got some big plans for the city. They've been working with the city on training programs for agents and putting in more resources for marketing. This has caused quite the stir in real estate circles and there are some who think the move is a good thing.

The mortgage brokers who have been at it for the past few years are out of work. For many, this is a devastating experience and many are crying foul over their lack of compensation. They claim they were told they would receive nothing in the way of bonuses, commissions or bonuses at the end of each year.

If you're an experienced homebuyer or a seasoned real estate agent, you've probably heard the terms "consolidation loan," "lender-sponsored loan," and "home equity loan" tossed around. It's likely you've also heard that these loans are not available to people who fall into affordable housing programs because they may be considered high-cost loans. But here's the thing: There are some real estate lenders out there making these types of loans.

You'll need to find a mortgage broker to help you through this process. While it does require a lot of paperwork, you can save yourself a lot of time by working with a good broker who is familiar with your situation and who can help you get the best rate and terms. The broker will also be able to help you understand what you may be able to pay down on your mortgage.

If you're in the market for a home mortgage loan, you may want to consider working with a realtor who specializes in assisting this particular type of borrower. Working with a realtor who specializes in assisting this type of buyer can help to reduce the costs associated with financing a home.


segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2021

Produtos para email marketing ISA Portugal 2021

Código Produto Preço

Bases de Dados de Emails do Portugal
81-0079 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Portugal 2021 B

360.000 Emails de Portugal de empresas e particulares
EUR 50
81-0071 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Portugal Corporativos 2021

165.000 emails de dominios empresariales
EUR 45
81-0078 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Portugal Particulares 2021 B

216.000 emails de particulares
EUR 40

Bases de Datos de Emails Internacionais
81-0075 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Latinoamérica 2021

20 Paises de América Latina - 6.5 Milhões de emails
EUR 120
81-0077 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Latinoamérica Corporativos 2021

15 Paises de América Latina
1.058.000 de emails de dominios empresariais selecionados
EUR 145
81-0074 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Europa 2021

23 Paises - 7.5 milhões de emails
EUR 145
81-0073 Bases de Dados de Emails ISA Europa Corporativos 2021

21 Paises de Europa - 3.85 milhões de emails empresariais
EUR 196
81-0076 Base de Dados de Emails ISA Internacionais 2021

57 Paises - 17.2 Milhões de Emails
EUR 220

Bases de Dados Especiais
81-2012 Lista de Emails ISA Denunciantes e Spamtraps 2021
Lista de emails de denunciantes suaves (unsubscribers), denunciantes duros e spamtraps para adicionar na sua lista de exclusão e evitar denuncias de spam
EUR 25

ISA Email Packer 2
Software para Optimização de Listas de Emails

Mistura até 3 listas
Elimina duplicados
Divide listas de emails em arquivos menores por quantidade de emails
Elimina emails cortados
Limpa vírgulas, aspas ou o caracter que deseje
Seleciona emails de um dominio
Elimina emails de dominios não desejados
Elimina emails que contem determinada palavras ou símbolos
Seleciona emails que contem determinada palavra
Seleciona emails de dominios corporativos

EUR 45

Campanhas de Email Marketing
81-3050 Super Server Plano 50K

Envio de 50.000 emails em América Latina e/ou Europa
EUR 60
81-3150 Super Server Plano 150K

Envio de 150.000 emails em América Latina e/ou Europa
EUR 100
81-3500 Super Server Plano 500K

Envio de 500.000 emails em América Latina e/ou Europa
EUR 210
81-5002 Super Server Plano 1M

Email Marketing a 1 Milhão de emails em Europa e/ou Latam
EUR 300

Serviço de consultoria e suporte
81-4001 Instalação de Mailer com Escaner de Servidores SMTP Abertos

Serviço de configuração e suporte de sistema de emailing multi-servidor
EUR 179
Sistema de Email Marketing
com Servidor SMTP com SPF e DKIM

- Programa instalado no seu computador o que permite administrar as campanhas
- Servidores SMTP com IP rotativa e adequados às regras SPF e DKIM
- Estatísticas Online
- Funciona em provedores de Internet com a porta 25 bloqueada (usa porta 587)

EUR 55
Se não deseja receber este newsletter ou este email foi enviado por erro
por favor clicar aqui

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9204-2292 - Skype: chronskype

ISA no facebook


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