VOA News: África

sábado, 1 de novembro de 2008

Na esteira do afastamento de Thabo Mbeki de PR da RSA

...o ex-presidente da RSA rejeitou o pedido da liga jovenil do ANC para apoiar a causa do partido para o pleito presidencial de 2009.

Ademais, Thabo Mbeki escreve uma longa mas importante carta (News24-SA 31-10-2008) para o actual Presidente do Concresso Nacional Africano (ANC), Jacob Zuma. E aponta as 'tarefas revolucionarias', que Zuma pode ser livre de discordar, que o partido tem pela frente:
  • Recognise the various factors that have militated against the achievement of the unity and cohesion of the ANC in the recent past;
  • Defeat the actions prevalent in our governance system, especially the provinces and municipalities, to remove from their positions Comrades who are perceived as belonging to factions different from those which currently serve as elected leaders in the current elected ANC structures;
  • Renew the democratic movement on the basis of:
  • opposition to the cult of personality
  • the defeat of careerism and opportunism;
  • the defeat of the use of violence in the ANC and the rest of the democratic movement to impose particular leadership cliques interested in winning government tenders for themselves and their friends;
  • the defeat of bureaucratic parasitic tendency leading to the abuse of state power for self-enrichment;
  • the rejection of the phenomenon of the emergence of a black compradore bourgeosie which, in the context of BBBEE, is ready to front both for the domestic white and international capitalists;
  • commitment to the implementation of a socio-economic programme focused on economic growth and development, the restructuring and development of our economy, reducing unemployment and poverty, and sharing the wealth of our country in terms of our national, class and gender categories.
Nesta missiva Mbeki refere que ninguem pode ignorar que a RSA esta' megulhado numa crise. Mbeki pode ainda estar a sinalizar que vai apoiar a ala do ANC liderada pelo seu Ex-Ministro da Defesa, carinhosamente conhecido por "Terror" Lekota num possivel novo partido, quando pede a Jacob Juma para se excusar de usar o seu nome na causa do partido nos pleitos que se avizinham. "Terror" Lekota, por outro lado, disse, numa conferencia de quadros e membros do Partido ANC em Sandton recentemente, ser uma necessidade um novo partido na RSA para combater o divisionismo, tendencias corruptas e abuso de poder na RSA. Obviamente, se quiser ler em portugues, podera fazer o tradutor ao lado.
Fonte/Foto New24

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